course information of 112 - 2 | 3038 Christian Ethics(人文:基督教倫理觀)

3038 - 人文:基督教倫理觀 Christian Ethics

教育目標 Course Target

1.本課程幫助學生認識耶穌及基督宗教對倫理想思之影響,以培養倫理反思的能力 2.藉由探討新約聖經中的教導與行動,使學生統整自身宗教信仰與實踐的關係 3.介紹西方傳教師及台灣本土基督徒在台灣的醫療及社會關懷,喚醒對人與土地的關懷 4.認識宣教師的信仰熱忱與及對台灣的醫療衛生、西式教育、及社會關懷所造成的影響 5.培養學生思索生命的超然價值、己身與他人、與全然超越的他者之間的關係 1. This course helps students understand the influence of Jesus and Christianity on ethical thinking, so as to cultivate the ability of ethical reflection 2. By exploring the teachings and actions in the New Testament, students can integrate their own religious beliefs and practices. 3. Introduce the medical and social care provided by Western missionaries and Taiwanese Christians in Taiwan, and awaken care for people and land. 4. Understand the missionary’s religious fervor and its impact on Taiwan’s medical health, Western education, and social care 5. Cultivate students to think about the transcendent value of life, the relationship between themselves and others, and the completely transcendent other.

參考書目 Reference Books


Harvey. Cox. "26 Lessons from Jesus at Harvard". Taipei: Enlightenment Publishing, 2016.
"What should we do?". Taipei: Kuang-Chi, 2018.

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/8,9
授課教師 Teacher:通識教師
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
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